Bureau of Land Management seeks public help to protect Snively Hot Springs
VALE, Oregon (CBS2) — According to a recent news release, the Bureau of Land Management Vale District is asking the public to help protect natural resources at Snively Hot Springs Recreation Site on the Owyhee River.
"We want to keep the hot springs open for the public to use and enjoy, but if people continue to ignore the rules and engage in criminal behavior, we will have to look at other options," Malheur Field Manager Jonah Blustain said.
The site is closed to use from sunset to sunrise, and camping is not allowed. The release says BLM staff have begun placing boulders around to deter would-be campers due to the high number of violations.
"These rules have been in effect for some time but have been lightly enforced," Vale BLM Law Enforcement Ranger Stephanie Cox said. "Going forward, we will be enforcing the nighttime closure more strictly. Those found in violation can be issued citations for trespassing and/or federal violation notices."
BLM says people who disregard the curfew and camping rules often engage in other criminal behavior such as littering, illegal drug use, underage drinking, driving under the influence, public nudity and causing a public nuisance, all of which are state and local offenses.
Malheur Sheriff's Office deputies assist with enforcement on BLM-administered public lands in Malheur County.
"The BLM wants you to enjoy our public lands but to do so responsibly. Pick up your trash, stay on maintained roads and know the rules and possible restrictions before you visit an area," Malheur County Sheriff Travis Johnson said.
For more information, contact Larisa Bogardus at 541-219-6863 orlbogardus@blm.gov.