Rapid Shot and Haste | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
Publish date: 2024-08-07
The description for the speed weapon property says it isnot cumulative with the haste spell, but exactly how this
applies in the game seems unclear, especially when two
weapons of speed are involved. Can you use two speed
weapons at the same time? What, exactly, is meant when
the rules say haste and speed don’t stack? Does it mean you
can use the speed property during the normal portion of
your turn, but not during the “extra” partial action you get
from haste?
You can use two weapons of speed at a time all right, but
you still only get one extra attack, from one weapon or the
other, not both. If you are under the effects of a haste spell, you
can use the extra attack action from one weapon of speed, or
the extra partial action from the haste spell, but not both.